Modifying with EntityGrips

You can modify entities with EntityGrips when no command is active. You select entities before you specify editing options.

EntityGrips (EGrips) are selectable handles (displayed as small squares) at the endpoints, center, vertices, insertion points, and other geometric points of entities.

The location of EntityGrips depends on the entity. For example, a Circle displays an EntityGrip at the center and four EntityGrips on the circumference. For the EGrip nodes on particular entities, see Applying EntityGrip Nodes.

You use EntityGrips to drag defining points of entities to new positions (stretching), or to move, rotate, scale, mirror, or copy entire entities.

Some EntityGrips are multifunctional and provide additional entity specific editing options on shortcut menus. For additional options, see Applying Multifunctional EGrips.

To stretch and move entities with EntityGrips:

  1. In the graphics area, select entities to modify.

    The entities color changes (showing that they are selected), and the selectable handles appear on the entities (blue by default, known as "cold grips").

  2. Click an EGrip.

    The EGrip changes color (red by default, knowns as "hot grips"), and the EGrip options display in the command window.

  3. Stretch the entity by moving the activated EGrip to another location and click on the drawing.

    For EGrip edit mode, you can set:

  Note: To clear EGrips from the specified entity or set of entities, press Esc.

To stretch, move, rotate, scale, and mirror entities with EntityGrips:

  1. In the graphics area, select entities to modify.
  2. Click an EGrip.
  3. Press the Spacebar repeatedly to cycle through the following commands:

    After **SCALE**, the cycle sequence repeats.

  4. Specify the modification point, rotation angle, or scale factor according to the command you selected.

    At this point you can also use the options Base point, Copy, Undo, and Exit (see above), before you complete the selected command.

To stretch multiple entities using EntityGrips:

  1. In the graphics area, select entities to modify.

    The selectable handles appear on the entities as "cold grips."

  2. Shift + click several EGrips to highlight them.

    The specified EGrips change color and appear as "hot grips."

  3. Release Shift.
  4. Specify one EGrip as the base grip.
  5. Move the base grip to another location and click on the drawing.

To use additional options with multifunctional EntityGrips:

  1. In the graphics area, select entities to modify.

    The selectable handles appear on the entities as "cold grips."

  2. Hover over the EGrips.

    In many cases, shortcut menus appear near the multifunctional EGrips.

  3. On the shortcut menu, click an option and edit the entity accordingly.

    - or -

    Click the EGrip, then press Ctrl repeatedly to cycle through additional options.

To set EntityGrip preferences:

  Note: EntityGrips are not accessible on drawing entities on locked Layers.

Related Topics

Applying EntityGrip Nodes

Applying Multifunctional EntityGrips

Setting EntityGrips Preferences

Parent Topic

Using EntityGrips

Working with EntityGrips