Working with TextStyles
Use the TextStyle command to create, edit, activate, or delete TextStyles in drawings.
When you add Notes or SimpleNotes to a drawing, it uses the active TextStyle. A TextStyle is defined by font, type face characteristics, size, and other properties.
You can use TrueType fonts or compiled shape fonts (of type .shx).
The TextStyle command loads fonts from files and customizes them to the drawing requirements.
You can define TextStyles to apply annotative scaling for Notes and SimpleNotes.
To create TextStyles:
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Format > Text Style.
- On the menu, click Tools > Options.
In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand Text.
- Type TextStyle.
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Text expands.
- Click New
- In the Create new TextStyle dialog box, type a new name and click
The new TextStyle appears in Style.
- Under Text, set:
- Font. Lists all installed TrueType fonts provided with your operating system by font family name. Fonts of type .shx are listed by the name of the file where they are stored.
- Format. Lists formats you can apply to the font (Normal, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, for example, for TrueType fonts). While creating a TextStyle, the command displays a default font style dependent on the selected font name. When you make changes to the default name in Style, a new default name is no longer suggested and your changes become the new default.
- Big font. Lists all files that have big fonts which are stored in .shx files.
- Under Height, set:
- Under Orientation, set:
The Preview area displays the TextStyle you define with the specified font and parameters. You can edit the Preview text.
To edit TextStyles:
When you edit TextStyles, all existing Text entities that use the TextStyle automatically update to reflect the modified style.
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Format > Text Style.
- On the menu, click Tools > Options.
In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand Text.
- Type TextStyle.
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Text expands.
- In Style, select a TextStyle.
The Style list contains all TextStyles that are defined in the drawing. You cannot change the name of the Standard TextStyle, but you can edit its settings.
- Set options under Text and Orientation.
To activate a TextStyle:
The active TextStyle is used for the Note and SimpleNote commands.
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Format > Text Style.
- On the menu, click Tools > Options.
In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand Text.
- Type TextStyle.
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Text expands.
- In Style, select a TextStyle.
- Click Activate
displays beside the active TextStyle.
To rename TextStyles:
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Format > Text Style.
- On the menu, click Tools > Options.
In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand Text.
- Type TextStyle.
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Text expands.
- In Style, select a TextStyle.
- Click Rename
- Type a new name in the Rename TextStyle dialog box and click
To delete TextStyles:
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Format > Text Style.
- On the menu, click Tools > Options.
In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand Text.
- Type TextStyle.
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Text expands.
- In Style, select a TextStyle.
- Click Delete
Note: You cannot delete a TextStyle that is currently used in the drawing.
TextStyles are saved with the drawing file only with a reference to the corresponding font file. They are available any time you open the drawing if the corresponding font file exists in the program folders.
Command: TextStyle, or Options
Menu: Format > Text Style