Working with DimensionStyles

Use the DimensionStyle command to create and modify DimensionStyles.

DimensionStyles control the way Dimensions look.

You can define DimensionStyles to apply annotative scaling for Dimensions.

Managing DimensionStyles

To create a new DimensionStyle:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Click New .
  3. In the Create new DimensionStyle dialog box:
  4. Click .
  5. Under Dimension, set up the DimensionStyle. See DimensionStyle Settings below.
  6. Click .

To modify a DimensionStyle:

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. In Style, select a DimensionStyle to modify.
  3. Under Dimension, set up the DimensionStyle. See DimensionStyle Settings below.
  4. Click Activate or .

To set the active DimensionStyle:

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. In Style, select a DimensionStyle to activate.
  3. Click Activate .

    A displays beside the active DimensionStyle.

  4. Click .

To compare DimensionStyles:

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. Click Differences .
  3. In the Find Differences in DimensionStyles dialog box, in Compare and To, select a DimensionStyle.

    The DimensionStyle settings that differ are listed in the dialog box.

  4. Click Copy to copy the differences.
  5. Click Close.

To override DimensionStyle settings:

You can temporarily change settings of the active DimensionStyle. These changes do not modify the DimensionStyle settings. The overriding settings can be applied as long as no other DimensionStyle is set as active.

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. In Style, select a DimensionStyle to override.
  3. Click Activate .
  4. Click Set Overrides .
  5. Set DimensionStyle overrides. See DimensionStyle Settings below.
  6. Click .

To rename a DimensionStyle:

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. In Style, select a DimensionStyle to rename.
  3. Click Rename .
  4. In the Rename DimensionStyle dialog box specify a new name for the selected DimensionStyle and click .

To delete a DimensionStyle:

  1. Do one of the following:

    In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens and Dimension expands.

  2. In Style, select a DimensionStyle to delete.
  3. Click Delete .

    Confirm the deletion of the selected DimensionStyle. You cannot delete the DimensionStyle named Standard or DimensionStyles referenced in the drawing by Dimension entities.

  You can remove DimensionStyles that are not referenced in the drawing with the Clean command.

^ Top of Page

DimensionStyle Settings

Angular Dimension

Angular dimension settings

Arc length symbols

Lets you set the display of a symbol for arc length Dimensions: Before dimension text, Above dimension text, or None.


Dual Dimension

These options control the use of a second, alternative dimensioning method. This mode allows dual dimensioning in metric and imperial values.

Show dual dimensions: Determines whether to use alternate units in Dimensions.

Dual dimension settings

Zeroes display



Fit options determine how to arrange Dimensions if there is not enough space for text and arrows between the extension lines.


Dimension text

Dimension scale

Additional options

Linear Dimension

Format: Sets the primary linear units format.

Precision: Sets the number of decimal places.

Fractional display: Sets the stack display of fractional units.

Decimal separator: Sets the decimal separator for Dimensions whose unit Format is set to Decimal.

Round to the nearest: Lets you specify a value for rounding.

Prefix and Suffix: Lets you type a character string to appear before or after the Dimension text. For example, the suffix field can display the unit of measurement.

Measurement scale:

Zeroes display:


Dimension line settings

Extension line settings

Extension lines are the lines that extend the Dimension outside the perimeter of the measured entity, assuming that dimensioning is to take place outside of these perimeter constraints.

Dimension split

Dimension split (Professional & Enterprise versions only)

Radial/Diameter Dimension

Center mark display

Radius dimension jog


Text settings

Text position

Text alignment

You can align the Dimension text with the following options:


Tolerance settings

Dual Dimension

^ DimensionStyle Settings

^ Top of Page


Command: DimensionStyle

Menu: Format > Dimension Style

Related Topics

-DimensionStyle (command window variant)

Applying Annotative Scaling

Parent Topic

Creating and Modifying Dimensions