Creating Hatches

Use the Hatch command to fill enclosed areas or specified entities with a hatch pattern. Hatching a drawing adds meaning and helps to differentiate the materials and areas. Some drawing applications such as construction drawings require hatch patterns which can increase the clarity and legibility of a drawing. Along with patterns, you can apply solid hatches to fill in a bounded area with the current color by selecting Solid from the Pattern list.

See Customizing Hatch Patterns to modify existing hatch patterns.

To hatch an area:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. In the Hatch dialog box, do the following:

    On the Hatch tab:

    On the Settings tab:

  3. Optionally, specify additional options for hatch and boundary:
  4. Click .

To hatch entities using properties of a selected hatch:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. In the Hatch dialog box, on the Hatch tab, click Use properties of selected hatch.
  3. In the graphics area, click an entity to specify the hatch.
  4. In the Hatch dialog box, click .

To set a hatch pattern:

  1. In the Hatch dialog box, on the Hatch tab, select a pattern type from the Type list.
  2. If you selected a Predefined type, select a pattern from the Pattern list.

    The preview area displays the selected pattern.

    You can instead use the Select Pattern Style dialog box to select a type and a pattern by clicking Choose pattern.

To set the angle and scale the hatch pattern:

  1. In the Hatch dialog box, on the Hatch tab, in Angle and Scale, specify an angle for the hatch pattern, from the Angle list.

    Standard hatch patterns are made up of horizontal or vertical lines or drawn at an angle. A hatch angle of 0 degrees defines a horizontal line. The Angle list contains angle values between 0 and 360 in 15 degree increments. A positive angle rotates the pattern counter-clockwise.

  2. Use the Scale list to specify a value by which to scale the hatch pattern.

    The Scale list contains values between .25 and 2 in .25 unit increments (default is 1). For example, 2 doubles the distances in the pattern and .25 reduces the original dimensions by 1/4.

    Note: User-defined patterns cannot be scaled. To change distances in user-defined patterns, use the Spacing list.

  3. If you selected a User-defined type, in Spacing specify the distance between lines in the hatch pattern.

    Specify the distance in drawing units (default is 1). Change the line spacing to customize the pattern proportions for specific graphics areas.

  4. If you selected an ISO Pattern type, use the ISO pen width list to select a pen width.
  5. Click Scale based on sheet's units to adapt the units to the sheet.

To set the hatch pattern start point:

In the Hatch dialog box, on the Hatch tab, in Pattern start point, specify one of the following.

To save the specified location, enable Set as default.

To specify boundaries for hatch patterns:

In the Hatch dialog box, on the Hatch tab, select a method to specify boundaries.

Button Function Description
Specify entities Specify entities Lets you select the entities that form the boundary.
Specify points Specify points Lets you click points in enclosed areas to define the boundaries.
Rebuild boundary Rebuild boundary Replaces a boundary after removing (enabled only when using the EditHatch command).
Delete boundary entities Delete boundary entities Removes boundaries from the set of entities that form the boundaries.
Highlight boundary entities Highlight boundary entities Displays the boundaries in the drawing.


Command: Hatch

Menu: Draw > Hatch/Fill

Toolbar: Hatch/Fill

Ribbon: Draw > Hatch

Related Topics

Creating Color Gradient Fills

Editing Hatches

Creating Area Boundaries

Parent Topic

Working with Hatches and Color Fills