Use the Sketch command to draw freehand. A sketch consists of many straight Line segments.
To sketch:
- Click Draw > Sketch (or type Sketch).
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click Draw > Sketch.
- Type Sketch.
- Type the record increment (length of the sketch segments).
- Specify an option:
- Erase: Deletes parts of temporary sketch Lines drawn previously.
- Connect: Lowers the pen to continue sketching from the end point of the last sketched Line or last Erase.
- Pen: Lowers or lifts the sketching pen.
- Quit: Discards all temporary sketch segments since the start of the command, or since the last use of the Record option. The command terminates.
- Record: Records temporary segments as permanent.
- Exit: Records the temporary segments and terminates the command.
- In the graphics area, click to start sketching (lower the pen).
- Click again to interrupt sketching (lift the pen). Continue clicking to lower and lift the pen.
- Press Enter to make the temporary sketch permanent and end the command.
Command: Sketch
Menu: Draw > Sketch