
Use the -Hatch command to fill enclosed areas or specified entities with a hatch pattern.

Hatching a drawing adds meaning and helps to differentiate the materials and areas. Some drawing applications such as construction drawings require hatch patterns which can increase the clarity and legibility of a drawing. Along with patterns, you can apply solid hatches to fill in a bounded area with the current color by selecting Solid option from the Pattern list.

It is the command window variant of the Hatch command.

To hatch an area, do the following:

To create a hatch:

  1. Type -Hatch at the command prompt.
  2. Select one of the following options:

Specify the Boundary

There are several methods to define the boundary:

To draw boundaries for hatch patterns:

  1. Specify the Create boundary option and press Enter.
  2. To specify whether you want to keep the initial boundary, type Yes or No. Press Enter.
  3. In the graphics area, specify the start point for the first segment of the boundary.
  4. Specify options for the next segments:

      Use the Undo option to cancel the most recent drawing operation. You can use the Undo option repeatedly.

  5. Specify the segment end point.
  6. Do one:

To specify boundaries by selecting entities:

  1. Type Specify and press Enter.
  2. Specify the Specify entities option and press Enter.
  3. In the graphics area, specify the entities that form the boundary.

    - or -

    Specify the selection method (one of the following options):

  4. Press Enter.
  5. After defining the boundary, you can set the hatch pattern.

To deselect boundaries and define new ones:

  1. Specify the Deselect boundary option. Selected entities are removed from the boundary definition.
  2. In the graphics area, specify the entities for the new boundaries.

    - or -

    Select the new boundaries:

    1. Specify the Add boundaries option and press Enter.
    2. Click points in enclosed areas to define the boundaries.

Setting a Hatch Pattern

You can hatch areas using various hatch patterns or fill them with a specified color.

By default, when hatching a closed area, the hatch pattern starts at the origin of the drawing. You can specify another starting point, at a suitable location, to draw the hatch starting from the defined point.

To set a hatch pattern:

  1. Type Pattern and press Enter.
  2. Specify the pattern type:

    Once the pattern is selected, define the boundaries to hatch or specify another option.

To set the hatch pattern start point:

  1. Type Start and press Enter.
  2. Specify one of the following options for the pattern start point:

To deselect boundaries and define new ones:

  1. Specify the Deselect boundary option. Selected entities are removed from the boundary definition.
  2. In the graphics area, specify the entities for the new boundaries.

    - or -

    Select the new boundaries:

    1. Specify the Add boundaries option and press Enter.
    2. Click points in enclosed areas to define the boundaries.

Setting Additional Options for Hatch Display

Optionally, use the following options to better display and select hatched entities:

To define the placement:

  1. Type Placement and press Enter.
  2. Specify one of the following options:

To specify hatch transparency level:

  1. Type Transparency and press Enter.
  2. Specify the transparency level. Specify a value between 0 and 90% where 0% means no transparency (opaque).

    - or -

    Specify one of the following options:

    • Use current: Uses the current transparency setting for new entities.
    • ByLayer: Uses the current layer transparency setting.
    • ByBlock: Uses the current transparency setting of a block, if the hatch or fill is contained in that Block.

To create annotative hatch:

  1. Specify Annotative and press Enter.
  2. To specify whether you want to create an annotative hatch, type Yes or No. Press Enter.

Setting Additional Options for Hatch Boundary Detection

When defining hatch boundaries by specifying internal points, the command detects the entities that form the boundary. In this case, additional options allow you to control the automatic detection of boundaries.

To set hatch additional options to determine the boundary

  1. Specify Additional options and press Enter.
  2. Specify one of the following options:



Command: -Hatch

Related Topics

Creating Hatches

About Creating Hatches, Fills and Gradients