Defining BlockAttributes

BlockAttribute definitions let you attach variable or constant text to Blocks. When you insert a Block containing BlockAttributes, you are prompted to specify values for each BlockAttribute (unless the value is defined with a constant value).

You can define BlockAttributes as singleline or multiline objects.

You can edit BlockAttributes of Block references later with the EditBlockAttribute command. You can edit the name, request, and value with the EditAnnotation command.

To define BlockAttributes:

  1. Click Draw > Block > Define Block Attributes (or type MakeBlockAttribute).
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. In the dialog box, under Display, type options.
  4. Under Text settings, set:
  5. Under Insertion point:

    Do one of the following:

  6. Under Behavior, select:
  7. Set additional options:


Command: MakeBlockAttribute

Menu: Draw > Block > Define Block Attributes

Menu: Draw > Block > Make Block Attribute

Related Topics

-MakeBlockAttribute (command window variant)

Defining Blocks

Parent Topic

Working with BlockAttributes